Vaksin Ikan Aquavac Strep Sa

AQUAVAC Strep Sa is an oil adjuvanted, intraperitoneally injected vaccine for use in fish. The vaccine helps protect fish against Streptococcus (S.) agalactiae (Biotype 2) infections.


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AQUAVAC Strep Sa is primarily designed for use in tilapia (Oreochromis spp.). The vaccine may also be used in other fish species, if so, its use should be undertaken with care and it is advisable to test the vaccine on a small number of fish prior to mass vaccination.

Vaccines are a preventative measure, and care should be taken to vaccinate

fish before they are infected.

1. The vaccine should be stored between 2-8°C in a dark place.

2. AQUAVAC Strep Sa can be used in fish weighing 15g and over.

3. Fish should be anaesthetised prior to the vaccination.

4. Each fish should receive 1 dose of vaccine, which should be injected (0.05ml) intraperitoneally.

5. Food should be withheld for 1 day prior to vaccination.

Netto : 250 mL

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