Lowongan Kerja Akuakultur di eFishery

| Tue, 30 Apr 2024 - 14:16

Dibuka lowongan kerja akuakultur terbaru pada posisi Aquaculture Scientist (Senior Associate) di eFishery untuk wilayah Bandung, Jawa Barat pada tahun 2024 ini. eFishery adalah perusahaan teknologi yang bergerak di bidang akuakultur yang berlokasi di Bandung, Jawa Barat. Berikut merupakan deskripsi lowongan kerja akuakultur pada perusahaan tersebut:

Aquaculture Scientist (Senior Associate)

Job Description:

- The Scientist will contribute to the sustainable aquaculture research program by conducting high quality research in small-scale and commercial aquaculture systems aimed at improving on-farm performance

- The research will include aspects associated with breed, feed and disease management, where suitable, and will require reporting to a range of funders who support the program

- She/he will work closely with other members of the sustainable aquaculture team to deliver integrated solutions to accelerate sustainable growth of aquaculture, primarily in Indonesia

Job Requirements: 

- Bachelor's degree in aquaculture or a related field

- Experience of working in inter-disciplinary teams

- Knowledge and experience of working within Indonesian aquaculture systems and developing countries

- Excellent proficiency in spoken and written English

Pendaftaran: Daftarkan diri Anda ke laman loker Aquaculture Scientist (Senior Associate) di eFishery

Dapatkan informasi lowongan kerja secara rutin, langsung ke akun telegram Anda melalui TalentaMina. Daftar disini!

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