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Effective Preservation and Use of Shrimp Feed

| Wed, 02 Dec 2020 - 15:15

Shrimp feed quality is an important factor in the success of the brackish water shrimp crop. Good food preservation and management not only helps ensure the quality of feed, thereby helping shrimp gain weight quickly, with less disease, but also reduce production costs and create products that ensure food quality, hygiene and safety products.

Proper food preservation

For pellets and supplementary feeds, shrimp farmers must choose the products of manufacturers that have declared quality in accordance with the regulations, in the list of aquatic feed permitted for circulation in Vietnam. has been widely and effectively used. In case of using new feed, quantitative ingredients and banned substances in the food must be checked if in doubt.

When receiving feed from agents, farmers need to choose batches of pellets that must have their original packaging intact, not wet, and the expiry date must be at least 30 days. Food packaging labels must comply with the quality announcement, take samples to check banned substances when in doubt. If all the above contents are satisfactory and the results of sampling for banned substances such as Chloramphenicol, Nitrofurans, Aflatoxin, Desamethazone when in doubt, if the result is negative, then enter the food into the warehouse.

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Feed storage at shrimp farming facilities must be clean, cool, dry, prevent pests and not leak. The pellets must be stowed neatly, on a pallet of at least 10 cm high. The pellets are classified according to a separate code. Supplementary foods must be stacked separately on the pallet.

All products in stock must have a clear label and origin. Foods must be arranged 10 cm from the wall and left aisle to facilitate food import and export. The import and export of food must follow the principle of "first in - first out". Food that is not used up in one time must be tightly closed or tied and kept in the right place.

Feeding the shrimp technically

The feed used in intensive and semi-intensive shrimp farming is mainly industrial feed of high quality (with a guaranteed crude protein content of 40-45%) that has been checked for quality by functional agencies. Feed conversion ratio is from 1.2 to 1.4 under good management and feeding conditions. The number of times to feed shrimp is 3-5 times / day depending on the size of the shrimp.

The number of feedings increased as the shrimp got bigger, and the feed rate for shrimp was calculated as a percentage of the body weight. Small shrimp have a higher feed ratio than large shrimp because shrimp need more food to grow fast. The calculation of the daily feed quantity has been specifically calculated in the feeding instructions given to shrimp farmers by feed manufacturers, but mainly based on their health status and actual feed requirements. shrimp by checking the feeding screen. When feeding shrimp, it is necessary to spread the food evenly over the pond.

Also read: Shrimp Aquaculture and Competitive Exclusion Of Pathogens

If stocking shrimp of P15 size, in the first day of week 1 feed 1.5-2 kg pellets for 100,000 P15 - P20. Then each day increased to 100 - 200 g. The second week, after each day increased to 200 - 400 g. The third week, after each day increased to 400 - 600 g. Fourth week, after each day increased to 600 - 800 g. 4 times a day at the times: 6 - 7 am, 10-11 noon, 17-18 pm and 23-24 pm.

Shrimps raised from 1 month or more need to use hooves to check the shrimp's diet to adjust feed in time. Each pond should be placed 4 or more pots based on the area of the pond. Choosing the location to check shrimp feed must be reasonable to have accurate inspection results. The pond should be placed 1 meter away from the pond edge and only add food to the pond after it has finished spreading food into the pond, place it in a clean place in the pond.

Source: Tepbac.com

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