Boosting Aquaculture Through Innovation

| Tue, 11 Aug 2020 - 20:23

Technology developments and advancements have modernized, and improved best practice use in the aquaculture industry.

From machine learning to biotech developments, new innovative technologies have made it possible for the aquaculture industry to grow, fueling the growth of the industry and increasing the production of sustainable farm-raised seafood worldwide.

From 1900 to 2016, global offshore aquaculture production has increased by 600%. Nearly half of U.S. seafood consumption already comes from aquaculture, but the majority of it is produced overseas.

While aquaculture is the fastest-growing food sector in the world, the U.S. ranks only 16th in production of farm-raised seafood. Growth of the American aquaculture industry has been hindered because we currently lack a clear regulatory process for establishing offshore aquaculture operations.

As a result, American companies are forced to take their technology and operations overseas.

As our population continues to grow, one of the most pressing challenges we face is feeding a growing population in a changing climate.

With the global population expected to increase 70% over the next thirty years, there will be a need to increase our production of protein through sustainable means.  Aquaculture will complement wild-caught harvesting to help address this challenge.

Offshore aquaculture is considered one of the most efficient methods of producing animal protein. Technology has helped make this possible.

By utilizing emerging technologies, fish farmers can ensure their operations are sustainable, which minimizes environmental impacts. Technology also ensures that fish are healthy, and businesses are run effeciently.

The U.S. has always led the way in science and technology. American ingenuity and our entrepreneurial spirit have led to breakthroughs in many fields and have helped address some of the world’s greatest challenges over the years.

We have the opportunity to be a leader in the global aquaculture industry, not only because of our superior technology, but also because we have an abundance of resources available: our long coastline, expansive EEZ, skilled labor force, ample feed sources and growing seafood market have the potential to make the U.S. one of the top countries for aquaculture production


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